The voting wheels turned at Community Board 10’s recent meeting in favor of a new city zoning requirement to place parking for bicycles in most newly constructed buildings, enhancing the sustainability of life in the city and boosting bike ridership. The board serving Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights at its recent meeting easily approved the Department of City Planning’s Bicycle Parking Zoning Text Amendment, which is making the rounds of boards in the city and gaining support.
It would “require the placement of indoor, secure, long-term bicycle parking in new multi-family residential, community facilities, and commercial buildings,” as stated in the city’s provision. “The proposed text amendment would provide for bicycle parking and storage at both home and in the workplace.”
“The text amendment is part of an overall citywide effort to promote bicycle usage, and to reduce congestion and carbon emissions in keeping with PlaNYC-2030 and to promote fitness,” said Chair Joanne Seminara of the Zoning and Land Use Committee. She gave her report at the meeting held in the Shore Hill Community Room.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s PlaNYC-2030 was created to make the city more eco-friendly and sustainable ... read more
Story by Harold Egeln
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